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Forward Procurement Notice

Transurban, in partnership with the Queensland Government, will hold an Industry Briefing in relation to the design and construction (D&C) procurement for the Logan West Upgrade project.

The Industry Briefing will provide potential participants with an overview of the project and the proposed procurement process moving forward. Following the briefing, an Invitation for Expression of Interest (EOI) for the D&C Main Works package will be released to the market.

The purpose of this Forward Procurement Notice* is to notify prospective participants of the upcoming Industry Briefing and enable them to prepare for the EOI and consider teaming arrangements for Logan West Upgrade.

Industry Briefing

Transurban is hosting a Logan West Upgrade Industry Briefing on Thursday 25 March 2025 from 8:30am to 11am to provide further detail regarding the project scope, packaging approach, proposed procurement process as well as outlining other opportunities to participate in the project, including for independent verification services.

To receive an invitation to the Industry Briefing, prospective participants must complete the registration form. The event will be held in person and online. As seats are limited, a maximum of three (3) representatives from a single organisation can attend the Industry Briefing in person. The event will be recorded and published on this webpage shortly afterwards.

Attendance at the Industry Briefing is not a pre-requisite for submitting an EOI response or for participation in any future procurement processes for the Project.

Further details for the Industry Briefing session will be provided to prospective participants who have completed the registration form below.

Expression of Interest (EOI)

Following the Industry Briefing, Transurban intends to conduct the EOI process for the D&C Main Works package mid-2025 and release EOI documentation via an Electronic Data Room.

The EOI process is expected to include a staged approach including the Department of Transport and Main Roads prequalification, EOI response submissions and participant interactive sessions. Further detail on the proposed EOI process will be provided at the Industry Briefing.

For Industry Briefing enquires please contact

For media enquiries please contact 07 3182 2780.

* This Forward Procurement Notice does not commit Transurban or the Department of Transport and Main Roads to issue the EOI or proceed with procurement for Logan West Upgrade. If the EOI is released, information contained within the EOI supersedes all prior information.

Contact us

Thank you for your support and assistance in planning this essential upgrade.

If you have any questions or would like further information about the Logan West Upgrade, please contact:


Transurban acknowledges the Traditional Owners of the lands throughout Australia, and we pay respect to Elders past and present. We acknowledge our roads and infrastructure are built on Country. With deep respect, we incorporate the voices of First Nations people in our approach, supporting equitable access to mobility across communities.